February 07, 2008
A New Blog: Latte Tech
As you know, the main focus of Latte is politics. I work in the software industry, and there are often technology topics I want to write about that aren't appropriate to cover here. For that reason I'm starting a second blog called Latte Tech. Please check it out, and add the feed to your RSS reader if you're interested in keeping up with it—or just stop by any time.
By Will Friedman in Web/Tech | Permalink
I look forward to your posts. You just know where I'm going to be urging you to cross-post.
BTW, can I persuade you to configure your RSS feed with the full text of your posts? It's tedious to see three one-sentence posts in Google Reader.
Posted by: George V. Reilly | Feb 9, 2008 12:52:43 AM
Thanks George! As for the RSS question, I have a bit of a dilemma. For Latte Tech, I've configured the feed to include the whole post. However, for this blog, there are nearly 100 people signed up for the email list, and Feedblitz, which powers that, uses the excerpt.
Posted by: Will | Feb 9, 2008 10:39:33 AM
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