March 30, 2005
The Right to Remain Silent
you have heard elsewhere, George Bush has been touring the country
preaching the benefits of his Social Security privatization scheme to carefully
pre-screened [audio
link] audiences of already converted supporters. The idea is to
generate positive spill-over coverage in local press, which will supplement the
various fake news
reports the administration has been developing and distributing.
undeniably tenacious sell job must not be fooling enough of the people enough
of the time, however, because the administration is trying new tactics. At a
privatization rally with Bush on Monday, three attendees were forcibly ejected
— just because they arrived in a friend’s car which bore an anti-war bumper
"They hadn't done anything wrong.
They weren't dressed inappropriately, they didn't say anything
inappropriate," [their lawyer Dan] Recht said.
"They were kicked out of this venue and not allowed to hear what the
president had to say based solely on this political bumper sticker.
I can’t wait to hear how White House Press Secretary Scott McClellen
explains this one. But whatever he says can’t be more jarring than hearing
about these expulsions on the same day that Bush declared,
Freedom is on the march. Freedom is
the birthright and deep desire of every human soul, and spreading freedom's
blessings is the calling of our time.
guess he wasn’t thinking about freedom of speech.
fictional character Winston
Smith wrote, “Freedom is the freedom to say two plus two make four. If that
is granted, all else follows.” Conversely, if that freedom is denied it means
that others are endangered, so it’s not a good sign if anyone willing to
question the President’s fuzzy math on privatization is shut up.
Come to think of it, I can try to predict Mr. McClellan’s response at the next press briefing. “Some people may have forgotten that everything changed on September 11th,” he will say. “And you still have the right to remain silent!”
By Will Friedman in Politics, Social Security | Permalink
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